Medical Simulation Firing on All Cylinders: An interview with Dr. John Schaefer – Part 1

So you’re telling me that I can save over $240/hr on sim-center operational costs per room, with better training methods, all while increasing use and access? SIGN ME UP.

The medical simulation values we know today; tools built based on learning objectives, efficacy, utility, and measurable outcomes have been evolving since the early 90’s, but only recently have been proven to provide real value in terms of cost savings and outcomes (ahem).

In this episode of the Modern Outcomes podcast, your host, Matthew Stoltz, discusses modern simulation with Dr. John Schaefer, and the role and importance of pairing the right tools with educational methods.

 Listen to the interview here


Why this matters

Dr. Schaefer’s early work in developing programmable airway simulators, fundamentally changed how simulation was accessed and used. The impact of which has been the provision of more access to impactful training at a lower cost, and the birth of modern simulation practices. Dr. Schaefer has extended those values across a state-wide effort in South Carolina, and again regionally across the South East U.S. with fourteen collaborative partners, conducting nearly 20,000 effective simulations per year.

We will explore how commoditization of simulation in terms of access and utility can drastically reduce operational costs. We’ll also discuss the importance of assessment metrics in the debriefing process.

What you will learn

  • How to develop a cost-effective program over time
  • Where simulation has come from and where it’s going
  • Keys to commoditizing sim education

About our guest

John Schaefer, III, MD, is an anesthesiologist, the Director of the MUSC Simulation Center, the director of Healthcare Simulation SC, and the Lewis Blackman Endowed Chair for Clinical Effectiveness and Patient Safety at MUSC.

The eBook is almost here!

My new eBook, Trade Show Moxie: The Event Marketing Guide for Small Business, is almost ready. This eBook is packed full of trade show advice, stories, and marketing tips from the MedTech industry perspective.

You’ll learn how to design trade show booths, create stronger customer experiences, how to save money, and a lot more. I include real stories from years of event marketing, some hilarious, some tragic, but all valuable.

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